Regulated professions operate in complex legal environments, facing unique challenges that vary across industries. Robinson Bradshaw has deep experience in those settings, both in the Carolinas and nationally.
Our clients range from national testing organizations to state agencies, and from regulated professionals to investors. To serve these clients, we combine our knowledge in business transactions, health care regulation, trial and appellate litigation, and antitrust.
In transactions, we help our clients seek long-term business success. Our knowledge of the regulatory environment helps our clients structure their transactions effectively and avoid compliance problems.
We also help clients avoid and resolve disputes in regulated fields. Because we have represented regulators and regulated parties alike, we can chart an accurate course through these controversies. Our experience includes the prosecution and defense of disciplinary cases, challenges to the validity of regulations, disputes with clients and business partners, and antitrust lawsuits.
We study our clients’ needs from all angles. Our multispecialty approach helps our clients act with confidence.
High-Stakes Testing Organizations
Provide comprehensive services as outside general counsel to the national testing organization for optometry.
Advise standardized-testing programs on legal and strategic issues, such as effective candidate agreements and appeals policies, copyrights and internal investigations.
Regulated Professionals: Business Transactions
Represented a North Carolina infertility-related medical practice in a partial sale of its practice, structured through a management services organization arrangement.
Represented two large physician practices in the formation of separate joint ventures to commercialize proprietary technology and services that will be marketed to physician practices across the United States.
Represented an orthopedic practice in structuring a joint venture to provide management services to orthopedic practices and hospital orthopedic service lines across the country.
Regulated Professionals: Scope-of-Practice Issues
Represent health care providers (including medical practices, behavioral health providers, physical therapists and radiologists) on professional-licensure issues prompted by telehealth and virtual-care delivery models.
Advise health care providers on the effects of licensure under interstate compacts.
Disputes Involving Regulated Professionals
Defended a major law firm and two of its partners, securing dismissal of all claims against them. In this case, a bankruptcy trustee alleged that the law firm helped a bankrupt business operate a sham business and defrauded investors.
Represented a law firm against fiduciary-duty claims threatened by a departing partner.
Disputes Involving Regulatory Agencies
Represented professional-licensing boards in a landmark case on antitrust challenges to the boards’ decisions.
Won a unanimous North Carolina Supreme Court decision in favor of a licensing board in a scope-of-practice lawsuit filed by a different licensing board.
Successfully defended a medical licensing board in a federal lawsuit that alleged that professional discipline caused due-process and antitrust violations.
Defeated a statutory challenge to a health care board’s rule that promotes patient safety.
Corporate Practice of Medicine and Dentistry
Represent clinicians and health care investors in the formation and expansion of management companies for internal medicine, dentistry, radiology, dermatology and urgent care.
Provide comprehensive corporate health care advice on the structure of management arrangements and other innovative business structures (e.g., friendly PC models).
Offer clients practical guidance on how corporate practice regulations affect day-to-day control issues, such as management company fee structures, other compensation issues, restrictive covenants, board composition and dispute resolution.
Help clients comply with federal statutes and regulations (including the Anti-Kickback Statute and the Stark laws) and state statutes and regulations (such as laws that limit fee splitting).
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- July 14, 2022Robinson Bradshaw Publication
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- Feb. 1, 2021Robinson Bradshaw Publication